Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj

Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Leadership Service Series Workshop Content

Day 1 Session 1: Introduction to Leadership

 This session begins with the foundation of all leadership, which is being prepared to follow as much as to lead. Good leaders connect and then lead and hence it is important to understand the team. All leadership involves love for the followers and the strength to lead. However, for leadership to succeed, love must precede and trump strength. The session includes an exercise to appreciate and develop these leadership qualities.

Day 1 Session 2: Discover your True Calling

Selecting a right career option is one of the most important choices the students would make. A framework which can help the students to think about this topic would cover discovering one’s true talents, identifying the parameters of success and finally, discover the true passion. We would do the interactive exercises to help the participants think about their inner talents and motivations.

Day 1 Session 3:Assess Your Spiritual Intelligence

The concept of IQ as the singular parameter for gauging one’s intelligence has been replaced by the modern theory of multiple intelligences. It states that humans possess a number of intelligences that develop relatively independent of each other. In this session participants will evaluate their spiritual intelligence through a specially prepared test. This will enable them to assess themselves on various aspects of wisdom, and identify the areas they need to work upon. The evaluation will be followed by individual presentations by the participants and discussions with the panelists.

Day 1 Session 4: How to Grow in Wisdom and Navigate Your Life with it

Good leaders do not merely possess sharp intellects and vast knowledge. They also have the wisdom to guide their lives, and the lives of others through the complex pathways of the world. Cultivating leadership is thus an important aspect of developing our leadership abilities. This module is designed to demystify the concept of wisdom. It will explain what wisdom is, in terms of four skill-sets: 1) Self-awareness skills, 2) Universal awareness skills, 3) Self-mastery skills, 4) Work and professional mastery skills. It will also reveal techniques for enhancing ones wisdom, through study of sacred books, contemplation, reflection, practice, meditation, chanting, and prayer.

Day 2 Session 1: Habits of effective leaders

We believe that leaders are not born but are made. In this session, we would cover time tested habits followed by the successful leaders to manage themselves and get the best out of the team.  Some of these habits would include being proactive, effective time management, managing stress and art of effective listening. We would cover the stories from real life and do some interactive exercises so that each participant can go back with some practical steps to imbibe these habits into their day to day life.

Day 2 Session 2: Leadership Principles

Building on the foundation, 3 mathematical and universally understood principles will be explained with case studies, videos and interactive exercises. In particular we will address the academic and social issues young people face and the personal leadership needed to succeed.

Day 2 Session 3:A Case Study on the Leadership Style of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi has been one of the most influential leaders in modern history. He not only motivated a nation to its freedom but also inspired leaders, who in turn changed the history of their country, such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. In this session, students will read a write-up on the life of Gandhi; they will then divide themselves into teams, to discuss:-
1) The admirable qualities and principles of Gandhi,
 2) The specialty of his accomplishments and the manner in which he achieved them, 
3) What made him the ideal leader amongst humans, and what we can learn from his leadership style. One representative from each team will present the conclusions of their group.

Day 2 Session 4: Servant Leadership

People and organizations adopt various leadership styles, such as autocratic leadership, charismatic leadership, participative leadership, etc. But the leaders who succeed most in nurturing followers and helping them grow to their maximum potential as humans are the servant leaders. For them, leadership is not about dominating or getting ahead of others, but rather about serving; it is not about “taking” from others, but about “giving.”. This module will build upon the case study in the previous session and inspire us to develop a leadership style based on the desire to serve.

Day2 Session 5: External Speakers

One or more external speakers will provide the personal example and inspiration our aspiring leaders need to get started on their individual journeys.

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